Bare Metal vs Virtual Machine: Which Offers Better Performance?

Read All About The Bare Metal Vs VM Servers

People often face challenges when deploying applications, managing infrastructure, and choosing the Domain and Hosting

For instance, when looking for Web Hosting NZ, one crucial decision individuals and businesses must make is choosing between bare metal and Virtual Machine hosting. 

However, both NZ web hosting options are viable, but understanding the differences between them can help you determine which one will suit you or which is the best web hosting solution for your website. 

This article will explore the differences between bare metal and VMs to make an informed decision.

Key Differences Between Bare Metal vs Virtual Machine

Here are the differences between Bare Metal vs Virtual Machine, which will help you to determine which offers better performance and which suits more to your business goal are:

  1. Bare Metal vs Virtual Machine: Meaning
  • Bare Metal Servers

Bare Metal Servers are physical servers dedicated to single talent and provide the directors with the underlying hardware without any virtualization layer. 

As a result, it allows the maximum utilisation of system resources and provides better performance for the application, which requires high computing power.

  • Virtual Machine

Virtual Machines, on the other hand, are software-based simulations of the physical servers which run on a hypervisor. 

The hypervisor enables sharing of physical hardware resources among multiple Virtual Machines, offering flexible, scalable, and cost-efficient website hosting.

Comparison Table 

AspectBare Metal ServersVirtual Machines
PerformanceIt gives high performance as it allows direct access to hardware resourcesIt is slightly lower performance due to the virtualization overhead
Resource UtilisationHigh Resource utilisationEfficient resource allocation
IsolationNo resource sharingShared resources among VMs
ScalabilityThis scaling requires additional hardwareIt offers easy scaling with additional VMs
FlexibilityLimited flexibilityHigh level of flexibility
CostHigher upfront costLower initial cost
Management ComplexityIt has lower management complexityIt has higher management complexity
  1. Performance of Bare Metal and Virtual Machine Servers

Bare Metal Servers perform better than Virtual Machines as they have direct-to-hardware resources. 

Because of no virtualization layer involved with Bare Metal Servers, it has minimal overhead and offers improved processing power, lower latency, and higher throughput. 

However, the difference between bare metal and VMs might not be noticeable for all applications, and it is because the impact of virtualization on performance is insignificant or overshadowed by other factors such as workload characteristics and optimization.

  1. Use Cases

Bare Metal Servers are commonly used with applications that demand high-performance computing, like scientific calculations, big data analytics, and real-time data processing. 

On the other hand, Virtual Machines are well suited for the environment requiring flexibility, scalability, and resource sharing, such as development environment, website hosting, and cloud base services.

  1. Hybrid Solution

Today many organisations also adopt the hybrid solution by combining bare metal and VMs. It helps the business leverage benefits of each option, resulting in better performance and resource utilisation. 

For example, critical database systems might run on dedicated Bare Metal Servers, while web servers or application instances operate within virtualized environments.


In short, when you are looking for the best web hosting services, your choice will depend on the specific requirements and priorities of your business. There are certain differences that make Bare Metal Servers a bit superior to Virtual Machine Servers.

Bare Metal Servers offer better performance and maximum resource utilisation while offering flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

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