Data Science, Business Information on Steroids

Keli W. Rodriguez

Data Science and Business Information gathering are sometimes, erroneously, used as interchangeable terms. Both Data Science and Business Information gathering provide a great deal of added capabilities and benefits to your company, even though they are different. A few years ago Business Information, also known as BI, was the king […]

Manpower Planning and Forecasting in Retail

Keli W. Rodriguez

Today’s retail stores have developed beyond one man show to an extent that even a small departmental store involves four to five employees. Human resource plays an essential role in any organization especially in retail. Therefore it is very important to ensure that retail stores have the right number and […]

Business Analytics Training: Key Benefits

Keli W. Rodriguez

What is Business Analytics? Business or Data analytics is a popular and complex aspect of a profession which demands a lot of hard work from any analyst or data scientist. This subject requires an immense knowledge of the underlying data hidden behind the logistics of the business you are concerned […]

SLEPT Analysis Overview

Keli W. Rodriguez

Proper analysis of all business aspects offers top managers and business owners valuable information on company position in various environments, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as helps in decision making and strategic planning. Analysis of company performance can be a daunting task since analysis is not only about locating […]

Endless Career Opportunities In Software Development

Keli W. Rodriguez

Software development – The name says it all. Software consists of programs, which enables a computer to execute certain specific jobs. For example: the application software such as word processors perform productive tasks for users, and the operating systems, coordinates with hardware to run the necessary services for user-interfaces and […]