Finances Are Vitally Important

Keli W. Rodriguez

It is a true saying that you cannot get along without money. Finances are vitally important in the lives of everyone living upon the earth. There may be some places where money is not the medium of exchange, but some type of trade must be used to obtain the necessities […]

Ten Parameters of Good Corporate Culture

Keli W. Rodriguez

Sometime in the 1980s, I read a book written by Manfred Kets de Vries who claimed to have found six types of corporate cultures. The most intriguing thesis of the book was that actually most organizations are not sick, but not entirely healthy: the so-called lingering organizations. The other five […]

What to Look For in a Good Facility Management Company

Keli W. Rodriguez

Facility Management or property management is the key to keeping any facility running smoothly. A management team of this nature is in charge of the maintenance and care of commercial and institutional buildings like schools, sports areas, office complexes, hotels, resorts and residential complexes. They help to keep the electric […]

Using Blockchain Technology Companies for Trade Finance

Keli W. Rodriguez

One of the most propitious industries for blockchain technology is trade finance. Many of the world’s largest banks are putting time into its research and development. Thanks to a consortium of 71 global financial leaders, R3CEV, much has been uncovered about potential uses of blockchain technology. Since 2016, R3 has […]

CMM and Project Management – Tracking and Oversight

Keli W. Rodriguez

The goal of the Software Project Tracking and Oversight Key Process Area (KPA) is to provide sufficient insight into project performance so that the project manager can detect variances between performance and the plan and take preventive or corrective action. This KPA influences all PMBOK knowledge areas and is most […]