The Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit is returning in-person for 2022, with industry leaders from Bupa, Global Reviews and Drumline Digital confirmed for the program.
Examining changes such as tighter compliance regulations, digital privacy updates and, most recently, federal budget impacts, senior finance industry professionals at the summit will explore key issues such as maintaining consumer trust and loyalty with a technological approach.
Bupa’s head of growth Clea Baker joins Evan Rollins, founder of Drumline Digital, to present a guide of how companies can tap into the customer database that is inherent in their digital brand. Since this process is proven to be difficult for brands without specialist resources, the finance industry panelists will reflect on their experience of working with data sets and locating shortcuts that could save weeks of unpicking.
Exploring key moments in customer experiences, this session looks at how businesses can navigate through the behavioural data and identify the values of their target demographics.
Meanwhile, Gerard Farrell and Ash Pegram of Global Reviews will present a first look into the publication’s research into the super and insurance industry. Sharing case studies and findings, the duo will discuss consumers’ digital-focused expectations towards their financial service and whether the industry is ready to address them.
Further sessions and panelists will be announced in the coming weeks.
The Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit will take place on 11 August in-person at Four Seasons Hotel, Sydney. Earlybird tickets are on sale now.
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